As many of you may know, some of the apartments and business owners along East Washington Street cater to a cliental that is not typically found in Irvington. In particular, the Indiana Sheriff’s Sex Offender Registry has indicated that several people listed on that registry now reside in buildings along East Washington Street.
Two years ago when the current Board of Directors of the Irvington Community Council was elected to office, they were asked to establish a goal or project that they as a Board wished to focus on for their two-year term. The Council voted to focus on crime in Irvington. This is a mammoth undertaking and one that reaches far beyond Irvington. But none the less, the Council began the task. We began with community meetings to ask what issues or problems would be best to address. The meetings were not well attended, but none the less the Council set out to make a difference focusing first on East Washington Street. As part of that focus, the Council began discussions with the apartment owners along East Washington Street. In particular was an apartment building that housed large number of people who appeared on the Indiana Sheriff’s Sex Offender Registry. That effort continues today to include a variety of issues and most of the larger apartment building owners. In November 2005 the Council voted unanimously to ask the City to review the motel license for the Indy East Motel (5855 East Washington Street) – an effort that also continues today. Over the past several months, more and more people who appear on the Indiana Sheriff’s Sex Offender Registry were claiming residency at the Indy East Motel. Again the number of registered sex offenders seemed unreasonable to have housed in one location, especially in a business that has, according to City officials, had nearly 900 police runs in a recent five year period. When this information came to the attention of the Council, we began contacting the Department of Corrections as well as many, if not all, of our elected officials.
This morning the Council received a telephone call from the Office of the Governor stating that the registered sex offenders placed in Irvington by the Department of Corrections will be relocated outside of Irvington. For security reasons, few details can be released, but we were assured this morning that relocation would begin soon and be completed in a reasonable time and that this effort is not limited to those currently housed at the Indy East Motel.
We would like to thank all those who helped in our effort, including Jeff Bennett the Warren Township Trustee, Sheriff Frank Anderson and his staff that work with registered sex offenders, State Representative Larry Buell, State Senator Pat Miller, the Office of the Governor, the Department of Corrections and those on the Council who gave their time, as well as all of you who contacted your elected representatives and the Department of Corrections.