Monday, April 16, 2007

Community Communication

The most recent issue of Irvington this week marks nearly five years of the Irvington Community Council sending out an emailed newsletter and now 34 years of, in some way, informing you about what the Council does and what is happening in the community. For the past 52 issues, the newsletter has been published weekly. We hope you have found the past 52 weeks informative and enjoyable. We are planning to again make improvements to not only this newsletter but other ways we communicate with the Irvington community and would greatly appreciate your comments.

How can we improve the Irvington this week newsletter? What do you like or don't like? What would you like to see added or removed? Are there other ways you would prefer receiving community news?


Blogger Meagan said...

I would like to see the Irvington Council website constantly updated in addition to the e-mails. Those who want to know more about what's going on at the library for that week (something I tend to skip over because I don't have children) can go to that section. I just e-mailed someone asking if they needed help on it. Thanks!

10:07 AM, April 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think one of the big problems with the weekly newsletter (and the website) is that very few people know about it. I love the weekly newsletter, but I think the old fashioned flyer at everyone's door a few times a year would go a long way to promote Irvington events (and promote the website and newsletter on it too). I have thought about distributing a newsletter flyer talking about important numbers and how to get involved in Irvington. My area of Irvington is often ignorant about what occurs in Irvington because it only has a small number of "historic" houses (east of Arlington, Dewey to English ave) and until the Pennsy is put in I don't think I can convince some of my pessimistic neighbors that Irvington is going somewhere besides down.

11:39 AM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment is related more to "community" than "communication" but I did not see a better topic for posting this. I am leaving Irvington, and unfortunately, looking forward to it. While a large percentage of the time this neighborhood appears to be wonderful, community-oriented, pet and family-friendly, there are times when it is none of these things. As they say, perception is reality, and the several months of the year that fireworks explode over my home after 11pm on weeknights and every night when neighbors leave their dogs outside to bark at all hours the perception is that this is any other rough inner-city neighborhood that is not conducive to working professionals and families. If this neighborhood wants to move beyond offering "starter" homes and become one where residents truly put down roots, there needs to be an effort to "take back" the neighborhood and address some of these less than desirable traits.

10:15 PM, July 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The weekly email information is great! Thanks for all the effort that goes into it. For some reason, I didn't receive mine this week, and I miss it!
Is it printed off and posted at the Library? Maybe I can check it there.

Thanks again

10:28 AM, September 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of comments from the Irvington Library - yes, the newsletter is available each week at the Information Desk. We also have reference copies of the Irvington Historic Area Plan.
For full information on events at all library locations, please see

9:32 AM, October 16, 2007  

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