Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Indy East Motel Appeal Hearing in Irvington - Thursday, September 7th, 9:30am

The public hearing for the appeal of the license for the Indy East Motel is again scheduled to be heard in Irvington. The hearing will begin at 9:30am on Thursday, September 7th in the Fellowship Hall (basement level) of the Irvington Presbyterian Church, 55 South Johnson Avenue. The hearing is expected to last several hours, most likely past noon. You are welcome and encouraged to stop by anytime that morning, even for just a few minutes.

The hearing will consist of discussions between the members of the City's License Review Board, the City's attorneys, and the attorney representing the Indy East Motel. It is anticipated that the hearing will begin with several discussions and motions, maybe lasting for several hours, before the actual appeal will be discussed. It is also anticipated that during the discussion of the appeal, Irvington resident and business owners will be asked or allowed to offer comments.

We know with this being held during the workday that may make it difficult for some Irvington residents to attend. If you would like, you can post comments here that we will try to, if it is allowed, make part of the public testimony. We hope to see everyone September 7th.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a homeowner in the 5900 block of E. New York, I can say that the incidents of prostitution which have occurred outside my kitchen door will most certainly subside if the license is NOT renewed. In an average, warm weather week, I witness 2-3 times a man driving to the corner and a woman walking from the Village Pantry gets into his car. Maybe if this activity subsides, so will the drug deals which occur with similar frequency.

7:13 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I own a home and business in Irvington. I will be so happy to see the Indy East Motel close.

Can we go after the Skyline Motel next? I have seen prostitutes parade up and down in front of my shop located at 11 S. Kitley on several occassions, then walk back to the Skyline. I can't believe the city allows this to happen with the charter school right next door. It is worrisome because a few of the children ride their bikes and or walk to school.

I am going to try and be at the meeting, I'll open the shop up late.

Thank you to all the people that have worked to make Irvington a safer place to live!!

4:51 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a travesty that a local business owner must spend their hard earned money to appease an overly aggressive community. A community that feels like shutting down a motel will solve the problem of crime.

How about you inform the police department of the problem?? Set up a more effective crime program.

It is not the city that is allowing this to happen. It is people trying to mask the fact that the surrounding areas needs help. Drugs are a growing problem in the area, which need to be stopped at the source. And the Indy East is certainly not the source.

Now the community will most likely loose this case, due to lack of any type of real evidence. The mayor will also probably back out of it to save face and not bring any unwanted attention to itself.

11:09 AM, September 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Previous Anonymous blogger,

You must not live by the motel. You must not see that traffic that comes in and out.

Your idea of notifying the police department is laughable. Do you think people would volunteer to spend hours of their valuable time fighting this fight if it could simply be solved by calling the police. Mr. obvious says that has already been done and done again.

Not all local businesses and business owners should be supported. We may lose this fight. But you are outnumbered in your opinion.

1:01 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I commend you...commend you on your OBVIOUS lack of research done in this area. It is easy to look at someone and call them a crackhead, but you have no idea unless you see the crack being dealt.

This irvington area believes that shutting down a business will lead to crime in the area to stop. But that is simplistic and rather lazy. If you feel there is a problem, then take some of your VALUEABLE time and help put a program together.

I do not know you and I do not know about your involvement in community outreach or other such endeavors. But again, I do know the fact that attempting to shut down a motel and basically moving the crime down the street is a selfish and ineffective method.

10:00 AM, September 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When the shutdown of Indy East first started, someone mentioned that it would lead to another vacant building on Washington Street. I was thinking about ways to use the odd shaped building, besides demolishing it, and thought that turning it into a temporary housing area for families of domestic abuse could be a possibility. This would all depend on actually getting the Indy East shut down, cleaning it up, etc, etc. If Indy East is shut down, I think we should at least have some ideas on what to do with the property.

8:21 AM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right, you do not know me. I have taken my VALUEABLE time and created a Crime Watch Group. I have called the MAC. I have attended public meetings. Hours of my time has been spent trying to help the Crime problem in Irvington. I HAVE SEEN crack being dealt. I have seen the prostitutes.

I have been in Irvington for 30 years. I shop at Irvington Shops, I eat at Irvington restaurants, my hair gets cut at Snips...and so on and so on. I put a lot of support into local businesses and business owners who bring value to my community.

I don't need to research to know the problems that this has brought my neighborhood. I am glad to see it go.

7:42 PM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you support your area so much, then search for a legal way to clean the area up. The city of Indianapolis has a history of bullying area business. It is not fair and should be confirmed in a real court of law.

8:25 PM, January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's ovious that the irvington community has issues with the Indy East Motel for a long time. But the community does not understand that the owners are trying their best to filter out the prostution and the drug problems that they claim the indy east brings in the neighboorhood. The community needs to understand that by shutting the hotel down is not going to solve their problem. There are prostitutes that walk down washington street that has nothing to do with the hotel and the hotel is being blamed for this problem. Also why can you not close the labor ready, liquor store, the village pantry and the blood bank that is a mile down the hotel? The hotel has been there for 50 years and why now is it being targeted? There are alot of problems and crime that are happening in the irvington area and the hotel is being blamed for every crime that happens in irvington. The village pantry and other hotel in the area has more police runs then the Indy East motel. I am not trying to defend the hotel but the community needs to know that only one business is being targeted and there are alot more apartment buildings in the area needs to be looked at instead of putting all the blame on the indy east. I also feel that everything that is happening regarding the hotel is all politics. I think that Indy East Motel will prevail in this matter once this case is heard in court and a judge makes the final decesion.

11:01 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is more prostitution and Crack/ drug taking in the premier brand motel/hotels. Then in these smaller motels.

Just ask the concerige in a hotel for crack and a prostitute, and provided he/she has confidence that you are not police or state/city authority, you will get what you want, if you give them the money.

If you close down the motel, you just move the problem on.

Solve the source or the problem not the symtoms.

I have been propositioned outside shopping malls . GO FIGURE!

Prostitution is as old as the bible as it self ( those whos have not sinnned cast the first stone, etc).

People will just find other ways to ply there trade, like opening a message parlour.

Once in, while they massage you, they ask if you want other services. GO FIGURE.

Even some house wifes and air hostesses are major prostitutes.


Try having the police do regular patrols instead of being parked having donuts etc.

This will solve some of the problem.
If a John see's a police car patrolling a motel, chances are the john will drive on and not stop.

7:43 AM, September 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a resident of skyline motel and it is a fantasic place to live. In a business there is always going to be problems

12:19 PM, September 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just see the news,the media wants to put blams something they nor i can prevent,if you want put a blam then i suggest to blam our state,they dont give engouh jobs out for poorclass people they get jugded before getting the job nor not education cause closen schools,making people to deal with the sistuations that have no contorol over.

11:28 AM, December 01, 2008  

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