Monday, July 31, 2006

Indy East Motel Appeal Hearing in Irvington Tuesday, August 8th

The public hearing for the appeal by the owner of the Indy East Motel, 5855 East Washington Street, of the City's decision not to renew their motel license will be heard in Irvington. The hearing is scheduled for 6:30pm in Room G1 (basement level) of the Irvington Presbyterian Church, 55 South Johnson Avenue.

The attorney for the Indy East Motel has several motions and requests to make of the Licensing Review Board before the appeal can be heard. The hearing is expected to last at least 2 to 3 hours. The public is invited to attend the hearing. Public testimony may be allowed during the appeal portion of the hearing. This is your opportunity to see and be a part of this public process.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have lived in Irvington for over twenty years. I am raising my teenage daughter as a single parent. Over the past several years, I have been concerned about the crime rate on East Washington Street, and in particular, the crime that has occurred at the Indy East Motel. Neighborhood safety is of paramount importance to myself and my daughter. The Indy East Motel has a track record which proves that it does not contribute in a positive way to our community. I would ask that this establishment remain closed permanently. Thank You.

10:53 AM, September 05, 2006  

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