Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Irvington Community Council September Meeting

The September meeting of the Irvington Community Council was a barn burner, or so we
thought it would be one. With all the energy and time being spent on emails, petitions, and wild conjecture about secret plans for the Children's Guardian Home, we thought we would see more than just over a dozen people at our meeting to discuss
the Guardian Home. We did spend most of the meeting discussing what has happened so far (some really exciting possibilities) in this process of trying to recommend to the City new uses for the facility and no one seemed to object to the Guardian Home
Re-Use Committees work or the Council's participation in the process. There were a few people who spoke of rumors or fears they have of the Guardian Home becoming some sort of detention facility. They offered nothing beyond conjecture. And there was no petition offered as promised. We will say to you what was said to everyone at our meeting, go to the Re-Use Committee meetings and see for yourself. All of these meeting have been open to the public and you are encouraged attend. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 22nd at 6:00pm at the Guardian Home.

The remaining few minutes of our meeting went very quickly, updates on a wide variety of subjects. The Council did agree to play a key role in finding a
consensus on the community wants at Ellenberger Park. The first notice for the first meeting towards that end is below. More information will follow in the coming weeks.

The next meeting of the Irvington Community Council is October 20th at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall of the Irvington Presbyterian Church.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the Irvington Community Council which did not attend most of the meetings the USELESS re-use committee with R butler were the ones pushing for the detention facility. This would be know by him if he was at the meetings. Again USELESS president that is a embarrassment to Irvington and the Irvington community councial which needs to be removed.

11:43 PM, June 09, 2010  

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