Monday, January 28, 2008

(not so extreme) Makeover

Starting with this issue of IRVINGTON this week, the Irvington Community Council's weekly emailed newsletter, we are trying a couple of minor modifications to this newsletter in the hope that we can better keep you informed and involved in the issues and events in Irvington.

Each week the Irvington Community Council receives a number of questions about a wide variety of issues and happenings in Irvington. Some of the questions may be ones that you had thought about asking and the answers may be ones that would benefit more than just the person asking the question. So, periodically we will have a section of the newsletter we are calling "Q & A" with some of the questions (and answers) we receive. We hope this helps keep you better informed about your neighborhood.

And we've been asked to create a weekly calendar of events that is more printable. The calendar you see each week at the bottom of the newsletter was intended to be something you could print, pin-up, and easily refer to all week. But that doesn't work so well, so for the next couple of weeks we will be providing an easy to download, printable, one page, color calendar. You can download this week's calendar here.

Let us know what you think of the changes.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Judge Orders Indy East Motel Closed

Judge Michael Keele has ruled in favor of the City of Indianapolis and ordered the Indy East Motel to cease operation on or before January 31, 2008.

A copy of the Judge’s order can be found here.

George W. Julian School 57 Announcement

On Wednesday, January 9th, Dr. Eugene White, Superintendent for the Indianapolis Public Schools, along with most of the members of the Board of School Commissioners, outlined the new school program to teachers, parents, and students of the George W. Julian School. The new school program, which in other states goes by the name "Fundamental School", based on setting very high expectations for behavior and academic excellence. A delegation of parents and administrators visited the Pinellas County (Florida) Schools late last year and found a structured environment with an updated "back to basics" approach and joint parent-teacher-student commitment. The Board of School Commissioners recently changed the boundaries for School 57 to include more of Irvington and allow most elementary age students living in Irvington to enroll in the program.