Judge Orders Indy East Motel Closed
Judge Michael Keele has ruled in favor of the City of Indianapolis and ordered the Indy East Motel to cease operation on or before January 31, 2008.
A copy of the Judge’s order can be found here.
A copy of the Judge’s order can be found here.
Wouldn't it be nice if the Irvington Community Council could just focus it's energies on positive efforts like the streetscape project, the Bona Thompson Conservatory opening (kudos!), activities at the library and Lazy Daze coffeehouse, the Halloween Festival, etc. vs spending so much time shamelessly persecuting a long-time, family run business like the Indy East? While this may have started out with the intent of reducing crime, how many out there actually believe that even if the police runs to the motel dropped to 5 a year, that the Council would end their crusade? Come on, people - It's not about crime anymore; it's about the icky poor people that live at the motel and the perceived increase in our property values if they could just eliminate these "wrong kinds of businesses." Doesn't anyone else think discussing new uses for the (privately owned) motel property is a bit arrogant? Or are the days so far gone when, if you didn't like a business, you just didn't frequent it? It's a low-income motel that has been cooperating with the police, for pete's sake, not a strip club run by the mob. Stick to promoting Irvington and regulating incoming businesses through zoning, but don't attack the existing ones just because they may not be your cup of tea, or cater to our elite. Let's make Irvington a community we can be proud of, not only of its buildings' architecture but also the character of its citizens.
Hey anonymous. I like your sentiment. But, we don't like icky people. we want them to go away.
Why don't you go with them. : )
Every time I go down East Washington Street and pass this motel I see "icky" people, some look to me like prostitues and drug users, not just poor people. There is a big difference. Also these old historic apartment buildings should set their standards higher on who they let rent their rooms and such, like doing a $10 criminal history check, that alone would take care of prostitues and drug users. I'd like to open up my curtains and let the light in but I dont dare because of what I have walking up and down my street and that just stinks!!
I'm with anonymous on this one wholeheartedly.
To the most recent poster though...
A $10 criminal check on everyone that they rent a room to? Let's face it, a place like the Indy East probably isn't charging more than 20-50 bucks for a room, and likely they rent by the hour. How are you going to justify to a business that they need to lose half or almost half of their profits?
Secondly, a tainted background should NOT limit someone of a basic right like renting a hotel room. How would you feel if Starbucks stops serving you because you have unpaid parking tickets?
I'd love to see the Irvington neighborhood improved, but doing so at the cost of individual freedoms is a slippery slope.
...and yes, I realize this is probably old news.
anonymous twice removed. He is talking about the historic apartment buildings not the $5 per hour icky hotels. Lets review.
Roach motels = go away completely.
historic apartment buildings = raise rent and charge $10 background check.
Are we all on the same page yet?
-Matt (not anonymous)
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