Hellooo Irvington!

Indianapolis is a city of neighborhoods. Unsung Indy is a dynamic new awareness campaign created to highlight the many benefits and advantages to living in the city's diverse mix of up-and-coming urban communities.
The campaign will launch April 1st and will initially focus on five unique, Indianapolis neighborhoods: Irvington, Holy Cross, Ransom Place, West Indianapolis and Watson-McCord.
Unsung Indy will feature a variety of paid media, along with non-traditional neighborhood signage, everything designed to identify and draw attention to up-and-coming urban neighborhoods located outside the city's downtown mile square.
"The goal of Unsung Indy is to align potential urban dwellers with "unsung" neighborhoods in Indianapolis," says Andy Fraizer, Executive Director of Indiana Association for Community Economic Development (IACED), which is leading the campaign. "Homebuilders and others do an excellent job of promoting the benefits of living in the surrounding counties. This effort is designed to highlight the distinct advantages that many Indianapolis neighborhoods have to offer."