The rainy March evening brought out about 35 Irvingtonians including our Warren Township Neighborhood Liaison Carman Lethig and District 21 City-County Councilor Ben Hunter to hear several presentations and neighborhood news. The evening began with the introduction of the new Commanders for Irvington's IMPD Districts, Major Clifford Myers, Commander of the Southeast District (south of Washington Street) and Major Becky Lake, Commander of the Northeast District (north of Washington Street). The Commanders discussed several issues important to Irvington including prostitution, the Indy East Motel, and placing Irvington in one IMPD district. Questions from those attending the meeting included a concern about a noisy neighbor and gang tags that have recently appeared in the neighborhood.
The next presentation was from Chad Lethig with the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana (HLFI). They are planning a preservation workshop that will be held in Irvington. The workshop (now planned for Saturday, May 17th) will include sessions on repairing windows, tuckpointing masonry, and regulations for historic districts including information about how to obtain the Certificate of Appropriateness (COA).
The final presentation of the evening was from Rick Zeigler who is in the process of purchasing the Irving Theater. Mr. Zeigler explained that even with limited experience in promoting concerts, his vision for the Irving Theater is to create an all ages venue that primarily features rock concerts and may on occasions serve liquor. The concert schedule would include at least two concerts a week. He plans to invest approximately $250,000 in renovating the facility including roof repairs, adding bathrooms, and installing a new heating system. Nearly 20 questions on a wide variety of topics were asked by those gathered to hear the presentation. Answers revealed additional details including that, due to cost limitations, seating would not be installed and that acoustic sound proofing likely would not be part of the project. Other details included an anticipated concert capacity of 900 to 1000 people and that parking issues may still remain.
During the issues portion of the meeting, it was brought to the Council's attention that one, possibly two group homes had or were planning to open in Irvington. Several people attending the meeting had some additional information about the homes and about rules that regulate them. It was also announced that two internet safety workshops would be held in Irvington; one geared towards adults on April 10th and the other on April 12th for kids.
The Council Events Committee reported that the first meeting of the Irvington Halloween Festival Committee would be on March 19th and followed by meetings each month on the Monday before the Irvington Community Council meetings. It was also announced that Irvington will participate in the Great American Clean-up on April 26th. The Municipal Services Committee report on the proposed new bike lanes from Irvington to downtown which spawned a discussion of about the bike lanes as they go through Irvington. And it was also reported that North Ritter Avenue and North Emerson Avenue will soon receive new street pavement.
In other business, the Council voted to accept the resignation of Katherine Bull, to participate in a discussion to brand Irvington, and to financially support the upcoming HLFI preservation workshop. All this information, discussions, announcements, and much more in just under two hours. More on many of the announcements and projects can be found here in the weeks to come, but you are still encouraged to attend any of our meetings and participate in the discussion. The next meeting of the Irvington Community Council is Tuesday, April 15th.
As the current legal owner of the Irving Theater, I would be interested in any Council member comments about the March presentation from Rick Zeigler. I was not aware of the presentation and would have loved to be there.
To fill in details, I sold the building on a contract-for-deed 10/2005 to an LLC operated by Joe Wisner and partner. My ability to exercise any control over disposition of the building expired 10/2007, I am bascially only the mortgage holder at this time.
I would suggest that the use of theater for a music venue is probably the best thing that could happen for the revitalization of downtown Irvington. One only has to look at the list of other possible businesses that could legally locate in C-4 (in addition to C-3) zoning to see that this is arguably the best choice to bring economic development in the form of business profit dollars into the area.
Toward that end, I would appreciate any help that council members or Irvington residents could give to help give the apartments in the Irving legal standing. Those apartments have been there since 1926, and a disgruntled neighbor informed the zoning office that this was not a legal use for C-4 zoning. The process to allow them to continue serving as apartments requires, at this time, confirmation of occupancy in the years 1982-87. If anyone knows who lived in the apartments at 2, 8 and 8 1/2 Johnson during those years, please let me,, or Joe Wisner know. Thank you.
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