Monday, March 17, 2008

March Irvington Community Council Meeting

The March meeting of the Irvington Community Council will include several guest presentations and discussions. As with most of our meetings, IMPD officers will be available at the beginning of the meeting to provide updates and answer questions. This month newly appointed Southeast District Commander, Major Cliff Meyers will stop by to introduce himself and discuss crime and enforcement issues. Rick Ziegler, the current owner of Indy CD & Vinyl in Broad Ripple, will discuss his ongoing efforts to purchase the Irving Theater and what he has planned for the building. Chad Lethig, the Indianapolis Preservation Coordinator for the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, will be on hand to discuss an upcoming preservation and restoration workshop that will be held in Irvington on Saturday, April 12th.

And as always, the Council will offer time for any questions or concerns you may have about community issues and update everyone on the ongoing topics. Council committee reports will include the first Halloween Festival Meeting of 2008 on March 19th.

And if past meetings are any indicator, we'll also most likely have a few of our elected officials in attendance. We hope to see you Tuesday night at 7:00pm in Fellowship Hall (basement level) of the Irvington Presbyterian Church.


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